The New Year Blues are characterized by emotional lows that develop specifically around the holidays and the New Year. This could be because of factors such as change, stress, and negative rumination, but it can manifest as a result of many things. Read more from Louisville therapist Dawn Pendleton.
For all of the good things about fall and winter, Seasonal Affective Disorder – or SAD – is also an effect of the long, sunny days turning shorter and colder.
World Mental Health Day allows our community to mobilize efforts that support mental health organizations and brings the topic to the global stage.
Performance blocks are something to be taken seriously, especially in a sport where one mistake could easily end in an injury. That’s why Lost Move Syndrome should be treated just as any other injury: with care and the right treatments.
There are different paths to the same place of healing and mental health. Therapy is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all experience! Learn more about the different types of psychotherapy from Dawn Pendleton, Louisville therapist.